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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36



(1) Fees

(2) Rules for the Refunding of the Fees

a) If the Secretariat is notified in writing that a case has been settled or withdrawn before the acceptance of statement of claim has been sent out, any fees paid in excess of 50,000 will be refunded.
b) If the Secretariat is notified in writing that a case has been settled or withdrawn thereafter but before the constitution of the tribunal, the remaining amount, excluding one third of the administrative fee in excess of
50,000, will be refunded.
c) If the Secretariat is notified that a case has been settled or withdrawn thereafter but at the latest 48 hours before the date set for the first hearing [in case of the fee for the proceedings of arbitration without oral hearings, before the date and time on which the first evidence and documents were delivered to the Arbitrator(s)], the remaining amount, excluding one half of the administrative fee in excess of

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