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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

(5) Exhibits, when produced by either party, may be accepted as evidence by the Tribunal, and the exhibits so accepted shall be filed in their numerical order by the Clerk and shall be made a part of the record.
(6) The Tribunal may vary the procedure when it may be deemed necessary but the Tribunal shall afford full and equal opportunity to both parties for the presentation of any materials or relevant evidence.
(7) If the parties repeatedly submit a series of statements to show cause of action or as legal defence as to cause undue confusion, the Tribunal may order the presentation of a summary of statements prior to the conclusion of the hearing.


Article 36. Parties' Lack of Care

If the party requesting arbitration fails to state a specific claim or present a reason or documentary evidence, which unduly hinders the arbitration proceeding, the Tribunal may close the hearings. The Tribunal may also close the hearings if the parties show lack of care in stating claims or presenting evidence, and it is deemed improper to proceed with the hearing.

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