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32. Fees of the Arbitrators


32.1 The amount and currency of the fees of the Arbitrators and the modalities and timing of their payment are fixed by the Court, after consultation with the Arbitrators and the Parties.

32.2 Unless the Parties and the Arbitrators agree otherwise, the amount of the fees of the Arbitrators are provisionally determined within 15 (fifteen) days after the Preliminary Conference or at any later time as decided by the Tribunal within the range of minimum and maximum fees set out in the Schedule of Fees applicable on the date of the commencement of the arbitration, taking into consideration the estimated time needed by the Arbitrators for conducting the arbitration, the amount in dispute, the complexity of the subject matter of the dispute, the urgency of the case and any other relevant circumstances of the case.

32.3 Prior to notification of the final award, the Court fixes and the Secretariat communicates to the parties any due adjustment of the provisional determination, and delivery of the final award is made to the parties after the adjustment has been settled by the parties in accordance with art. 33.5 of this Section Three.

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