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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

7.5 Where proceedings are consolidated the arbitrator will, unless the parties otherwise agree, deliver a consolidated award or awards in those proceedings which will be binding on all the parties thereto.

7.6 Where the arbitrator orders concurrent hearings the arbitrator will, unless the parties otherwise agree, deliver separate awards in each arbitration.

7.7 Where an arbitrator has ordered consolidation or concurrent hearings he may at any time revoke any orders so made and give such further orders or directions as may be appropriate for the separate hearing and determination of each arbitration.

7.8 The arbitrator has power to grant relief on a provisional basis in respect of the following matters:-

(a) a provisional order for the payment of money or the disposition of property as between the parties;

(b) a provisional order for interim payment on account of the costs of the arbitration;

(c) a provisional order for the grant of any relief claimed in the arbitration.

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