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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

Section 27. [Mediation]

(1) The parties shall be allowed to settle the dispute amicably during the course of the arbitration proceedings.

(2) The Tribunal may, at any stage of the arbitration proceedings, mediate between the parties for the whole or a part of the dispute.

(3) In case mediation conducted in accordance with the preceding Sub-Section fails, the Tribunal resumes the arbitration proceedings, provided however that it must not issue an award based on any of the information it gained during the mediation proceedings.

Section 28. [Dismissal of Application for Arbitration or Other Decisions]

In any of the following cases the Tribunal may, without examining the contents of the dispute, dismiss the application for arbitration or make such other decisions as it deems fit:

1. Where it is found that the arbitration agreement is not lawfully made or is void, or the said agreement is canceled;

2. Where it is found that either of the parties is not lawfully represented or his agent has no authority to act on his behalf;

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