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(7) The expenses caused by the particular nature of the subject of dispute and the expenses incurred on account of calling for witnesses or expert witnesses by requirement of the Tribunal shall be additionally paid by the parties.

(8) The Filing Fee shall not be returned after the application for arbitration is accepted.

The Tribunal may return a part of the Arbitration Fee, so far as such partial amount of the Arbitration Fee has been decided to be returned by the Tribunal, on the ground that the application for arbitration was abandoned or the dispute was settled by mediation.

(9) Each party shall pay the consumption tax imposed on the amount of the each fee as provided in the foregoing (1) to (7).

Section 39. [Apportionment of Costs of Arbitration]

The costs of arbitration shall be paid from the Filing Fee and Arbitration Fee paid to the Secretariat under the preceding Section and the ratio in which they shall be borne by the parties shall be decided by the Tribunal.

Section 40. [Remunerations for Arbitrators]

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