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(2) Where the Respondent nominates its agent, the Respondent shall file, on filing of the Defense, a document empowering the agent to act on its behalf.

(3) When the Claimant has received the Defense and documentary evidence (if any), the Claimant shall, if it has any objection to the Defense, send to the Secretariat and the Respondent respectively within fourteen (14) days from the day of receipt thereof its Supplementary Statement and further documentary evidence, if any.

(4) In the event of any further Supplementary Statement and documentary evidence being filed, the procedures provided in the preceding Sub-Section shall be repeated.

(5) The Defense, Supplementary Statements and documentary evidence may be submitted via e-mail or fax, provided that the sending party shall bear the burden of proving that the copies are identical to the originals and that it has in fact forwarded those to the other party.

(6) The documents under this Section shall be submitted in the number of copies as instructed by the Secretariat.

Section 10. [Service of Documents]

Documents relating to arbitration shall, unless handed in person to the other party or his agent, be served to the address of the party indicated in the Statement of Claim, to the address of his agent or to the place which the party designates.

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