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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

When no amount of claim can be stated at the time of filing, the Tribunal shall determine the Arbitration Fee taking into consideration the contents of the claim, subject to adjustment in accordance with the Tariff of Fees for Arbitration as soon as an amount can be disclosed.

In case the amount of claim cannot be finally disclosed, the Arbitration Fee as provided in the foregoing paragraph shall be deemed the final one.

(3) Where the sum claimed is in a foreign currency, such sum shall, for the purpose of calculating the prescribed Arbitration Fee of the preceding Sub-Section, be converted into Japanese currency by calculation at the average rate on the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market on the date when the application is filed.

(4) Where the Respondent files his application for arbitration of a counterclaim and the Tribunal considers that such arbitration can be performed concurrently with the Claimant's application, the amounts claimed and counterclaimed respectively shall be aggregated and the aggregate sum shall be taken as the amount of claim in the Tariff of Fees for Arbitration.

(5) The Tribunal may direct the Claimant to pay the Arbitration Fee due from the Respondent on his behalf.

(6) Where the number of hearings held exceeds four (4), beginning with the fifth (5th) hearing, each party must pay a fee of Fifty Thousand Japanese Yen (¥50,000) per additional hearing to the Secretariat. Regardless, however, of the number of hearings held on one (1) day, hearings held on one (1) calendar day shall be counted cumulatively as only one (1) hearing.

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