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(3) Where it is not clear whether the arbitration agreement or the arbitration clause designates Tokyo or Kobe as the place of arbitration, and no mutual consent of the parties is obtained, arbitration shall be performed in Tokyo.

Section 14. [Appointment of Arbitrators]

(1) The arbitrator(s) shall be appointed from among the persons who are listed on the Panel of TOMAC Arbitrators and who have no connection with either of the parties or with the matter in dispute. However, TOMAC may appoint a person or persons not on the Panel if TOMAC deems such appointment necessary.

(2) The Claimant may, when filing its Application for Arbitration, and the Respondent may, when sending its Defense, inform the Secretariat of preferred nominations of up to seven (7) arbitrators respectively (hereinafter referred to as "the nominees") who may satisfy the requirements in the text of the preceding Sub-Section. The parties must not however contact the preferred nominees as regards the matter in dispute.

(3) Where the parties have informed of the nominees in accordance with the preceding Sub-Section, TOMAC shall appoint one arbitrator from each set of the nominees and a further third arbitrator. In case the parties agree to nominate one person and have no objection to a sole arbitrator, TOMAC may appoint such nominee as a sole arbitrator.

Where the parties do not provide nominees, or where TOMAC deems it inappropriate to appoint arbitrators from among the nominees, TOMAC shall appoint either a sole or three arbitrators taking into account the further preferences of the parties.

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