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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

Article 37
1. Within thirty days after the receipt of the award, either party, with notice to the other party, may request the arbitral tribunal to make an additional award as to claims presented in the arbitral proceedings but omitted from the award.
2. If the arbitral tribunal considers the request for an additional award to be justified and considers that the omission can be rectified without any further hearings or evidence, it shall complete its award within sixty days after the receipt of the request.
3. When an additional award is made, the provisions of article (32), paragraphs 2 to 7, shall apply.


Article 37 (bis)
1- Unless the parties expressly agree in writing to the contrary, the parties shall keep confidential all awards in their arbitration, together with all materials and all other documents, expert reports, witnesses testimonies in the proceedings and all other procedures produced in the arbitration proceedings.
2- The deliberations of the arbitral tribunal are likewise confidential to its members, except what is permitted by the applicable law or rules for the dissenting arbitrator.
3 - The Centre undertakes not to publish any decision or arbitral award or any part of an award that may refer to the identity of any of the parties without the prior written consent of all parties.

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