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www.110.com 2010-07-15 08:28

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  On Causations of Police Illegal  Violence

  Zhao Xuguang And Hou Jiyan

  (Renmin University of China School of Law, Beijing 100872)

  Abstract: Police illegal violence is the illegal violence acted by persons who are police. Police illegal violence consists of violence happens in line of duty, such as extorting a confession by torture, violence happens out of duty. Fearing and confronting to the police and edifying of the traditional culture are the social-mental reasons. Absence of judicial commission, judicial supervision, judicial remedy and the exclusive rule about illegal evidence, and the maladies of the current police administration system are the institutional reasons. And the mental factor of policemen is another reason. To prevention and cure the police illegal violence is not only an institutional problem, but also a culture problem.

  Keywords: Police illegal violence, Mentality, System



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