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www.110.com 2010-07-15 16:51

摘 要:解决以无特定多数为对象进行的现代社会新问题如证券交易上的违法行为,证券集团诉讼制度具有原有民事诉讼制度不具有的优势。但是由于世界各国的经济发展水平、所属法律体系、现行法律制度以及法律文化背景等方面的不同,在美国这种联邦制国家发展起来的证券集团诉讼制度是否能够适用于单一制国家的问题值得深入研究。本文拟从国家结构的差异、法律体系两方面出发,以英、日、中三国为例,仔细探究证券集团诉讼制度产生的原因及其在单一制国家适用的可行性。
关 键 词:证券集团诉讼制度 单一制国家 可行性

Title Research on the feasibility of application of security class action system in unitary states
(Law school of BUAA,100083)
Abstract: In preventing emerging modern problems which is greatly intended for unspecified individuals(i. g. illegal actions in stock exchange),the security class action has certain advantages that the traditional civil suit mechanisms don’t have .But the economic development ,legal system, legal culture of each country are different , if the security class action ,which comes from the federal state-America, can be used in unitary states is still a question.This article will study the reasons of formation of the security class action from the regards of state system and legal system. And it will also take Britain ,Japan and China for example , discussing the feasibility of usage of security class action in unitary states.
Key words: Security class action unitary states feasibility


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