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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

1. REGISTRATION FEE shall mean a fee paid at the time of filing a statement of claim or request for the security of a claim with the Arbitration court in order to cover expenses arising prior to institution of the arbitral proceedings.
2. ARBITRATION FEE shall mean a fee charged in respect of each claim filed with the Arbitration court to cover general expenses connected with the work of the Arbitration court (particularly, arbitrators', reporters' fees, remuneration of the Secretariat, expenses on organization of the arbitral proceedings, etc.).
3. ADDITIONAL COSTS OF THE ARBITRATION COURT shall mean specific expenses incurred by the Arbitration court in connection with examination of a particular case (particularly, expenses of conducting expert examination and preparing translations, remuneration of experts, interpreters, compensation of witnesses' expenses, reimbursement of travelling expenses, etc.).
4. EXPENSES OF THE PARTIES shall mean expenses, incurred by the parties in defending their interests in the course of the proceedings at the Arbitration court, apart from the expenses, reimbursement, specified in the above paragraphs of the present Article.
The registration fee shall be paid in Russian Roubles in amount equivalent to USD 125. When the arbitration fee is subsequently paid, the registration fee shall be counted towards the sum of the arbitration fee.
The registration fee is not refundable.
1. The arbitration fee shall be calculated in USD according to the following scale:

Amount of claim

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