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The Chairman of the Arbitration court and in his absence - one of his deputies appointed by the Chairman shall represent the Arbitration court in its relations with other organizations, enterprises and institutions.
Organizing the work of the Arbitration court the Chairman shall perform the functions stipulated by these Regulations.
Each party may challenge an arbitrator, chairman of the arbitral tribunal or a sole arbitrator if there are circumstances casting sound doubts regarding their impartiality or independence, particularly if any of them is a relative of persons participating in the proceedings or their representatives, as well as if it possible to conjecture that they are personally, expressly or by implication, interested in the outcome of the case. Persons related to each other may not be the members of the arbitral tribunal considering the case. Challenge may be made also in a case when the arbitrator does not possess special skills stipulated by these Regulations. A written challenge containing reasons thereof shall be made by a party not later than fifteen days after this party has learnt about formation of the arbitral tribunal or after it has known about circumstances which may serve as reasons for challenge. Challenge made after this term may be considered only provided that the reason of delay in challenge has been deemed good.
The question of challenge of an arbitrator shall be considered by the other members of the arbitral tribunal. If no agreement is reached among them, the decision on challenge shall be made by the President of the St.Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry during 15 days. If there is a challenge of two arbitrators or a sole arbitrator, the decision on challenge shall be made by the Chairman of the Arbitration court. The Chairman of the Arbitration court shall have the right to decide on challenge of an arbitrator, chairman of the arbitral tribunal or a sole arbitrator on his own initiative if there are reasons indicated in Paragraph 1 herein.

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