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Third parties may enter arbitral proceedings only upon consent of the parties in dispute. In order to draw a third party in the case, besides a consent of the parties, a consent of the party being drawn in shall also be necessary. Solicitation for involvement of a third party shall be allowed only prior to expiry of the term for submitting explanations to the statement of claim. Consent for involvement of a third party shall be expressed in
Article 4. EVIDENCE
Evidence in a case shall be all facts upon which the arbitral tribunal shall ascertain presence or lack of circumstances substantiating claims or objections of the parties as well as other circumstances significant for correct resolution of the dispute.
These facts shall be ascertained by the following means: written and material evidence, explanations of the parties and other persons participating in the proceedings, as well as by expert conclusions and statements of witnesses.
Written evidence shall be acts, letters, other documents and materials containing information about circumstances significant for correct settlement of a dispute.
Written evidence shall be submitted in original or in a duly certified copy.
Authentic documents shall be submitted when the circumstances of a case, according to the legislation, shall be certified only by such documents, and also in other cases of necessity upon request of the arbitral tribunal.
Material evidence shall be articles which may serve as the means for ascertaining of circumstances significant for correct settlement of a dispute.
Verification of evidence shall be carried out by the method determined by the arbitral tribunal. The arbitral tribunal may impose execution of verification upon one of the arbitrators.
Estimation of evidence shall be carried out by the arbitrators at their inner conviction.
When filing a statement of claim, the claimant shall pay the registration fee. A suit shall not be considered brought until the registration fee has been paid.

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