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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

(7) Where an arbitrator resigns or is removed, the SCC Institute shall appoint another arbitrator. If the arbitrator had been appointed by a party, the SCC Institute shall solicit the views of the appointing party. Where the Arbitral Tribunal consists of three or more arbitrators, the SCC Institute may decide that the remaining arbitrators shall proceed with the case. Prior to making such a decision, the views of the parties and the arbitrators shall be solicited.

(8) If the parties are of different nationalities the SCC Institute shall appoint a sole arbitrator or a Chairman of a nationality other than of the parties, unless the parties have agreed differently or if otherwise deemed appropriate by the SCC Institute.


Article 17 Impartiality and Independence and Duty of an Arbitrator to Disclose

(1) An arbitrator must be impartial and independent.

(2) A person asked to accept an appointment as arbitrator must disclose any circumstances likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to his impartiality and independence. If he is nevertheless appointed, he shall immediately, in a written statement, make the same disclosure to the parties and the other arbitrators.

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