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4.2.6 the administration fee indicated in paragraph 1 of the annexe, the form of payment whereof is to be acceptable to the Foundation.

4.3 The Request for Arbitration shall be accompanied by so many copies thereof as total the number of defendants cited and arbitrators requested.


ARTICLE 5: Acceptance or refusal of the request for arbitration

5. The Secretariat, if satisfied that the dispute is prima facie, and that all the claims fall within the terms of the arbitration agreement, and that 4.2 and 4.3 have been complied with, and if it is not otherwise in its free discretion unwilling to accept the Request for Arbitration, shall notify the claimant that it accepts the Request to provide the administrative means for the requested arbitration. If the Secretariat declines to accept the Request for Arbitration, it shall notify the claimant accordingly, and

if it so declines solely on the ground that it, in its free discretion is unwilling to accept such Request, it shall refund the administration fee to the claimant.

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