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23.2 The Secretariat shall notify the parties whether such an urgent arbitration can be held, and, if so, of the administration and venue fee and the further daily fees therefor, and, upon payment of such administration fee and the first daily fee, appoint such arbitrator.

23.3 The arbitrator shall then and only for so long as the fees payable for each day after the first day of the hearing have been paid by not later than noon of the previous day, at the time and place agreed upon, and according to the procedure agreed upon, or, if expressly left to him for decision, decided upon by him, conduct such arbitration to its conclusion and make an award.

23.4 Save as set out in 23.1, 23.2 and 23.3, other provisions of these Rules shall apply mutatis mutandis to such urgent arbitrations.


ARTICLE 24: Amendment of these Rules

24. These Rules may at any time be amended by the Secretariat, and will be available on request made to the Registrar. Such amendments shall be applicable to all future and current, including part-heard, arbitrations, save to the extent that the arbitrator may, in the interests of a just determination of the dispute, rule otherwise. It shall be the duty of the parties at all times to ascertain such amendments from the Registrar.

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