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sending it to the address given as such domicilium citandi; or

(e) in the case of a corporation or company, by physically delivering it at or sending it to the registered office or to the principal place of business of such corporation or company; or

(f) by physically delivering it to or sending it to any agent who is authorised in writing to accept it on behalf of the party to whom it is addressed; or

(g) where the defendant or third party is a firm, a partnership or a voluntary association, by physically delivering it or sending it to its place of business or to the proprietor of the firm, a partner of the partnership, or the chairman or secretary of the committee or managing body of the voluntary association in the manner referred to in (a), (b), (c), (d) or (f); or

(h) if more than one person is cited jointly as defendant or third party in their representative capacities, by physically delivering or sending it to each of them in any manner provided for in this Article; or

(i) where the defendant or third party is a central or provincial government or a local government body, or a statutory body, by physically delivering it or sending it to the nominal executive head of that government or local government body or statutory body, or in any manner provided for by law.

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