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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

The Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa ("the Foundation") is the name under which the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa ("AFSA") conducts its activities of providing administrative means for the conduct of arbitration proceedings. Its activities include the appointment of a panel of persons who have agreed to act as arbitrators under the aegis of and according to the Rules of the Foundation, the appointment of an arbitrator or arbitrators for resolution of particular disputes, the provision of the venue and the administrative services for conduct of arbitration proceedings under and in accordance with these Rules for fees covering its administrative services and provision of a venue and the fees and expenses of the arbitrator or arbitrators.

2.2 2.2.1 The Foundation's activities in providing the aforesaid arbitration facilities are controlled by a Secretariat, which comprises the persons appointed by AFSA.

2.2.2 Any steps to be taken, and any decision to be made, and any directions to be given, by the Foundation in terms of these Rules, shall be taken by the Secretariat. The decision by majority vote of the members of the Secretariat shall be the decision of the Secretariat, and a written communication signed or authorised by the person presiding over any meeting of the Secretariat, shall be prima facie proof of the decision of the Secretariat.

2.2.3 In matters of urgency, the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Secretariat may take any step, decision or give any direction which the Secretariat may have taken or given, and the decision of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman that a matter is one of urgency, shall be decisive of the question whether a matter is one of urgency within the purview of this sub-rule.

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