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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

14.1.2 Where 14.1.1 is not applicable, an arbitrator shall, on assuming his duties, sign and furnish to the Secretariat a declaration to the effect that he is not aware of any circumstances which might reasonably give rise to justified doubts as to his independence or impartiality to act as arbitrator in the matter, and that he will forthwith disclose such circumstances to the Secretariat if they should arise at any time before the arbitration is concluded.

14.2 14.2.1 Upon receipt of any notification as referred to in 14.1.1, the Secretariat shall forthwith provide copies thereof to the parties, and determine when the parties must notify the Secretariat whether or not they wish the arbitrator to be appointed, or continue or cease to act as arbitrator, as the case may be, and, if they or any of them wish the arbitrator not to be appointed, or to cease to act, as the case may be, the grounds for such wish shall be furnished.

14.2.2 If the time determined in accordance with 14.2.1 has expired without a party notifying the Secretariat that he does not wish the arbitrator in question to be appointed or continue to act as arbitrator, as the case may be, or if the Secretariat, after affording the parties and the prospective or appointed arbitrator an adequate opportunity to respond in writing to the submissions and comments of each other, decides that there are insufficient grounds for not appointing the arbitrator in question, or for the appointed arbitrator to cease to act as such, it shall notify the parties and the prospective or appointed arbitrator accordingly, and the appointment or proceedings, as the case may be, shall then proceed in accordance with these Rules.

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