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www.110.com 2010-07-24 12:59

  [39] 明确区别法律上的可适用规范以及法律上的有效规范,除了有助於釐清法律原则的属性及其定位之外,另一个重要实益是,可以帮助我们解决规范继受的问题。简单的说,在新旧法律体制交替之际,许多旧有法体制的有效法律规范,在新的法体制是否继续有效,不无争议。此时,如果将旧法视为新的法体制中可以加以适用的规范,而不必勉强解释为当然继受的有效法律规范,这个问题自然可以迎刃而解。参见:Jose Juan Moreso and Pablo E. Navarro, “The Reception of Norms, and Open Legal Systems”, in Stanely L. Paulson and Bonnie Litschewski Paulson, eds., Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998), pp285-91.

  [41] 非常感谢谢世民教授提出这方面的质疑,让我得以深入反省这个问题,而做更详尽的论述。

  [42] Jeremy Waldron, “The Need for Legal Principles”, 82 Iowa Law Review (1997), pp857-65, at p857.

  [43] Ibid., pp859-61.

  [44] Neil MacCormick, “Rhetoric and the Rule of Law”, in David Dyzenhaus, ed., Recrafting the Rule of Law: The Limits of Legal Order (Oxford-Portland Oregon: Hart Publishing, 1999), pp163-77, at p163.

  [45] Ibid., p165.

  [46] Ibid., pp172-7


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