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www.110.com 2010-07-15 08:33

  〔9〕Andrew von Hirsch.Past or Future Crimes.1987.43.

  〔10〕Andrew von Hirsch.Past or Future Crimes.92—93.

  〔11 〕 Andrew  von  Hirsch. Commensurability  and   CrimePrevention.74.The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. 213.

  〔12 〕 Andrew  von  Hirsch. Commensurability   and  CrimePrevention.213.

  〔13〕Emest ven den Haag.Punishing Criminals.194.

  〔14〕Emest ven den Haag.Punishing Criminals.195.

  〔15〕Noval Morris.Punishment,Desert,and Rehabilitation [J]。Sentencing(H.Gross and A. Von Hirsch ed.)。 1981. 257—271.

  〔16〕M.Sherman and G. Hawkins, Imprisonment  in   America:Choosing the Future[M]。198189—101,105—106.

  〔17〕Coffee.Repressed Issues of Sentencing:Accountability,Predictability,and Equality  in  the  Era  of the  SentencingCommission[J]。66Geo.L.Rev.1978.976.

  〔18〕Noval Morris.Punishment,Desert,and Rehabilitation [J]。Sentencing(H.Gross and A.Von Hirsch ed.)。 1981. 257— 271;Norval Morris.Madness and  the  Criminal  Law [M ]。  Chicago:University of Chicago Press.1982.199.

  〔19〕Andrew von Hirsch.Past or Future Crimes.40.

  〔20 〕 Andrew  von  Hirsch. Commensurability  and   CrimePrevention.213.

  〔21〕Andrew  von  Hirsch.   Commensurability  and   CrimePrevention.212n9.

  〔22〕Andrew von Hirsch.Doing  Justice:   The  Choice   ofPunishments[M]。New York:Hill and Wang.1976.72—74.

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