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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

  If the agreement of the parties names a mediator or specifies a method of appointing a mediator, that designation or method shall be followed.


M-5. Qualifications of the Mediator


No person shall serve as a mediator in any dispute in which that person has any financial or personal interest in the result of the mediation, except by the written consent of all parties. Prior to accepting an appointment, the prospective mediator shall disclose any circumstance likely to create a presumption of bias or prevent a prompt meeting with the parties.  Upon receipt of such information, the AAA shall either replace the mediator or immediately communicate the information to the parties for their comments.  In the event that the parties disagree as to whether the mediator shall serve, the AAA will appoint another mediator.  The AAA is authorized to appoint another mediator if the appointed mediator is unable to serve promptly.


M-6. Vacancies


If any mediator shall become unwilling or unable to serve, the AAA will appoint another mediator, unless the parties agree otherwise.

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