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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36


Parties on cases held in abeyance for one year by agreement, will be assessed an annual abeyance fee of $300.  If a party refuses to pay the assessed fee, the other party or parties may pay the entire fee on behalf of all parties, otherwise the matter will be closed.


Refund Schedule


The AAA offers a refund schedule on filing fees.  For cases with claims up to $75,000, a minimum filing fee of $300 will not be refunded. For all other cases, a minimum fee of $500 will not be refunded.  Subject to the minimum fee requirements, refunds will be calculated as follows:


100% of the filing fee, above the minimum fee, will be refunded if the case is settled or withdrawn within five calendar days of filing.

50% of the filing fee, in any case with filing fees in excess of $500, will be refunded if the case is settled or withdrawn between six and 30 calendar days of filing.

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