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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

  The arbitrator shall otherwise have the power to require the exclusion of any witness, other than a party or other essential person, during the testimony of any other witness.  It shall be discretionary with the arbitrator to determine the propriety of the attendance of any other person other than a party and its representatives.


R-24. Representation


Any party may be represented by counsel or other authorized representative. A party intending to be so represented shall notify the other party and the AAA of the name and address of the representative at least three days prior to the date set for the hearing at which that person is first to appear.  When such a representative initiates an arbitration or responds for a party, notice is deemed to have been given.


R-25. Oaths


Before proceeding with the first hearing, each arbitrator may take an oath of office and, if required by law, shall do so. The arbitrator may require witnesses to testify under oath administered by any duly qualified person and, if it is required by law or requested by any party, shall do so.

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