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www.110.com 2010-08-11 16:06













  E-mail: jiaqi66@yahoo.com.cn



  E-mail: fimiao@sohu.com

  Review and Expectation of the Social Security System in Chinese Countryside

  ——Study on the Leading Effects of Goverment

  An Jia-qi

  (Public Administration school of Zhongnan University of Economics and law, Wu’han 430064, China)

  Abstract: Since the foundation of our country, there have been several reforms in the social security system in Chinese countryside. The reforming course can be roughly divided into four stages: germination stage, formation and development stage, unusually development stage and reform stage. From the review of the history, we can see that the government is always guiding the process of the reform of social security in the rural area, and theoretical basis can be found in the route substitution theory in new institutional economics school. According to the principle which the government is always following and the background of the reform, we can draw a conclusion that the government’s misconduct in the social security in the rural area is changing now. However, with restrict of the economic base, we still need time to establish a perfect social security system in the countryside.

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