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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36



1.  At the time the claimant submits its request for arbitration, it shall pay to the Secretariat the registration fees set out in the Schedule of arbitration costs. These fees shall in no case be reimbursable by the A.I.A.
Subsequently, the parties shall make the payments as set out hereinbelow to cover the foreseeable costs of arbitration.
2.  The costs of arbitration shall include the fee and expenses of the arbitrator (and eventually the costs of a secretary), including those relative to the proceeding provided for at Article 36, and the administrative costs, determined in accordance with the Schedule of arbitration costs, as well as the fee and expenses of the expert eventually appointed by the arbitrator.
3.  The Secretariat, taking into consideration the claims contained in the request and in any possible counterclaim and applying the provisions of the Schedule of arbitration costs shall determine the sum to be requested as a deposit reasonably sufficient to cover the expected costs of arbitration. When necessary, the Secretariat shall subsequently request additional sums.
Exceptionally and to take into account the expenses of the arbitrator, the Secretariat can exceed the limits provided for in the Schedule of arbitration costs, provided always that the power to determine the expenses of the arbitrator belongs to the Court in accordance with Articles 31 and 32.
4.  With regard to the proceeding at Article 36, and taking into account the expected complexity thereof and other relevant circumstances, the Secretariat shall request on deposit an amount reasonably sufficient to cover the relative expenses.

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