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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

Within 15 days from receiving the draft, the Court may communicate to the arbitrator its own observations or suggestions relative to the contents of the draft.
3.  The document defining the arbitrator's terms of reference, eventually modified to take into account the observations or suggestions indicated in paragraph 2 above, shall be signed by the arbitrator and promptly transmitted to the parties and to the Court. Where there is more than one arbitrator, the document can be compiled by correspondence and signed by the sole presiding arbitrator.




1.  The arbitrator is free to settle the manner in which the proceedings shall be conducted as he best sees fit, provided he respects the determinations of the parties in this regard which have been brought to his attention before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, the principle of audietur et altera pars (due process) and the provisions of these Rules.
2.  Upon delegation by the members of the arbitral tribunal or in the absence of a majority, the presiding arbitrator shall determine the course of the proceedings.
3.  With the consent of the parties, the arbitrator can be assisted by a secretary.

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