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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

If, before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, issues related among themselves are submitted to it, the Court, having taken into consideration the characteristics of the disputes and keeping in mind the applicable procedural law, can determine that the proceedings to settle the disputes be referred to the same arbitral tribunal appointed by the Court itself or, with the agreement of the parties, may authorize the joinder of the proceedings in order that the disputes be settled in a single award.




1.  The Secretariat shall prepare a complete file of all the documents received from the parties and, as soon as the deposit has been paid in accordance with Article 11, shall transmit the file to the arbitrator and notify the parties that it has done so.
2.  If, before the transmission of the file to the arbitrator, the request for arbitration is withdrawn with the simultaneous communication to the Secretariat and to the other party, the proceeding shall be considered terminated unless the other party intends to pursue same and gives communication thereof to the Secretariat and to the other party within 15 days from receiving the above communication and undertakes to pay the entire deposit where said deposit shall not have already been fully paid.

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