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www.110.com 2010-07-09 13:46

  就国际条约而言,TRIPS第13条规定,“权利限制不能够影响作品的正常利用,也不能不合理地损害版权持有人的合法利益。”这一条款体现了一 种平衡精神。WCT第10条及WPPT第16条也完全采纳了这一规定。由于上述条约中并未限定“权利限制”的适用范围,我们有理由认为,TRIPS、 WCT以及WPPT中的规定不但适用于经济权利的合理使用,也同时适用于精神权利方面的合理使用。


  Probing into Fair Use System of Moral Rights in Cyberspace

  XIAO Shao-qi

  (Department of Law,Shaoguan University,Shaoguan 512005,Guangdong,China)

  Abstract: Scholars have different opinions on how to set up fair use systems of moral rights in cyberspace. According to the characteristics of cyberspace and present condition of moral right protection as well as its value-seeking, rational criteria of fair use of moral right, namely, “purpose”, “nature”, “amount and substantiality”and“effect”,are macro and directive principles, which moral right protection can be satisfactorily performed. This is what copyright law responds to the challenges arising from the technological development.

  Key words: cyberspace;copyright law;moral right;fair use




  [3]See “Gone with the Wind Done Gone: ‘Re-writing’ And Fair Use”, 115 Harvard Law Review 1193,1197 (2002)。




  [7]Adolf Dietz, Moral Rights and the Civil Law Countries, 19 VIA.J.L.& ARTS 199, 212 (1999)。

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