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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36


Article 25

The parties must notify each other of their files (statements and evidences) and deposit with the Chambre Arbitrale as many copies of said files as there are of Arbitrators sitting in First Degree or Second Degree Arbitration Tribunal, plus one for the Chambre Arbitrale.

Dossiers filed with the Secretariat for the First Degree proceedings and still in the possession of the Secretariat may, should the occasion arise, be authenticated for Second Degree proceedings by any or all of the interested parties.

Documents in foreign languages must be accompanied by a French translation.

There must be no communication of any kind whatsoever with the Arbitrators.

When samples are produced by parties, these samples must be delivered to the Secretariat of the Chambre Arbitrale before the commencement of the proceedings. They remain at the disposal of the party which has deposited them for a three months' period following the ruling of the Arbitration Tribunal or the withdrawal of the application for arbitration. Beyond this period, the Chambre Arbitrale may decide on disposal of such items.

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