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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

The Chambre Arbitrale de Paris notifies the defendant of the written case submitted by the claimant and indicates the date on which the sole arbitrator will hear the parties.

The defendant is informed as well of the name of the arbitrator constituted as Arbitration Tribunal and of the hearing dates.

Unless decided otherwise by the Arbitration Tribunal, additional claims shall not be admitted.

To be admissible, any counterclaim must be lodged within 5 days from the notification of the arbitration claim.

This delay elapsed, the Secretariat shall invite the counterclaimant to lodge his case as an initial claim under an arbitration procedure independent from the procedure already engaged.



The claim shall be referred to a sole arbitrator appointed by the President of the Chambre Arbitrale de Paris.

The arbitrator ruling in pursuance of the present Rules cannot act as an arbitrator in any subsequent procedure involving the same parties, in which a matter in connection with those heard under the P.A.R.A.D. procedure would be raised.

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