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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

If the claim appears to be unsubstantiated or if the debate or the materials produced reveal, for whatever reason, that it is necessary to further investigate the case, the Arbitration Tribunal shall dismiss as such the whole or part of the payment claim and invite the claimant to refer it to the Chambre Arbitrale de Paris, should the occasion arise, under the ordinary proceedings provided for in its Rules of Procedure. In such a case, it is incumbent on either party to lodge an arbitration claim with the Secretariat of the Chambre Arbitrale de Paris which claim will rank on the day of its registration.

All awards, once notified to the parties, are final.



The duration of the mandate of the Arbitration Tribunal ruling under the P.A.R.A.D. procedure is of one month from the date of the formal recording of its acceptance to sit.

By authority of the parties, in pursuance of the provisions herein, the President of the Chambre Arbitrale may, on his own initiative and if he thinks fit, extend the mandate of the arbitrator for one month.


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