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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

If application for Second Degree proceedings is made within the stipulated time limit, proceedings shall continue under the core of the Chambre Arbitrale until expiry of the assignment of the Arbitrators sitting in the Second Degree Arbitration Tribunal.

By authority of the parties in pursuance of the provisions herein, the President of the Chambre Arbitrale may decide, according to his own judgement as to what is necessary, to extend for one year the assignment of the Arbitrators making up each of the First and Second Degree Arbitration Tribunals. In this event, the Arbitrators and the parties shall be notified accordingly.

Where the above provision has not been applied by the President of the Chambre Arbitrale, the time limit of one year set by these Regulations may be extended by the President of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris (District Court) either with the agreement of the parties involved or upon request of one of the parties or of the Arbitration Tribunal.

The latter clause may be applied if necessary at the expiry of the one-year extension granted by decision of the President of the Chambre Arbitrale.


Article 33

When at least one of the parties is resident outside France, the various time limits shall be extended as follows:

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