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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36


Article 62 - Costs in Case of Premature Termination


1. If an arbitrator is released from his mandate before the last final award, he may claim reasonable compensation for the work performed by him, with the exception of special circum­stances as determined by the Administra­tor. This compensation shall be determined by the Administrator and shall fall under the costs of the arbitration. It will be included by the arbitral tribunal in the determination and award of costs in accordance with the provisions of article 61.


2. If the mandate of the arbitral tribunal is terminated before the last final award, the arbitrator or arbitrators may also claim reasonable compen­sation for the work perfor­med by them, to be determined by the Administrator, unless terminati­on takes place on the ground that the mandate was performed in an unacceptably slow manner.


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