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4. In the cases referred to in paragraphs (1) and (3), the Administrator shall not release an arbitrator from his mandate until the parties have been given the opportunity to express their views in writing to the Admini­strator.


Article 18 - Replacement of Arbitrator


1. An arbitrator who, for whatever reason, is released from his mandate shall be replaced by a new arbitrator. The new arbitrator shall be appointed in accordance with the list-procedure provided in article 14 unless the parties have agreed to another method of replacement. The same applies in case of death of an arbitrator.


2. Until replacement has taken place, the arbitral procee­dings shall be suspended by operation of law. After repla­cement, the arbitral proceedings shall continue from the stage they had reached unless the arbitral tribunal deems a reconsi­deration of the matter, wholly or in part, justi­fied.

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