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5. If the arbitral tribunal rejects the request for an addi­tional award, it shall inform the parties in writing through the intermediary of the Administrator. A copy of this notifi­cation, signed by an arbitrator or by the secre­tary of the arbitral tribunal, shall be deposited with the registry of the district court, in accordance with the provisions of article 50(1)(b). The provisions of article 50(2) and (3) shall apply accordingly.


Article 54 - Arbitral Award on Agreed Terms


1. If during the arbitration proceedings the parties reach a settlement, the contents thereof may, at their joint request, be recorded in an arbitral award. The arbitral tribunal may deny the request without giving reasons.


2. An arbitral award recording a settlement between parties shall be regarded as an arbitral award to which the provisions of this section apply, provided that:

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