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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

4. The provisions of this Section apply if the place of arbi­tration in situated within the Netherlands. If the parties have not determined the place of arbitration, Rotterdam will be the place of arbitra­tion, for the purpose of the applicati­on of the provisions of this Section.


Article 42b - Commencement


1. Summary arbitral proceedings as meant in this Section commence by the filing of a request for summary arbitral proceedings with the NAI Secretari­at. It shall be deemed to have commenced on the day the request is received by the NAI Secretariat.


2. The request shall be filed in two copies and shall be accompanied by the exhibits on which the claimant bases his claim.


3. The request may also be commenced by rapid writ­ten communi­cation on the condition that after the commencement the clai­mant promptly transmits any exhibits in duplicate to the Administrator.

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