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1. The Administrator shall be authorised to require that the claimant pay a deposit from which, to the extent possi­ble, the fees and disbursements of the arbitrator(s) are to be paid.  If the respondent has introduced a coun­ter­claim, the Admini­strator may require him to pay a deposit as well.


2. The deposit referred to in the previous paragraph shall also serve to pay the costs of depositing the award at the registry of the district court. The costs of a secretary, an expert appointed by the arbitral tribunal, technical assistan­ce and interpreter shall also be paid from the deposit, if and to the extent that such costs were incurred by the arbitral tribunal.


3. As soon as possible after the arbitration file is trans­mitted to it, the arbitral tribunal shall consult with the Administrator on the expected volume of work for the purpose of determining the amount of the deposit.


4. The Administrator may at all times require that the clai­mant and/or the respondent pay an additional deposit.

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