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2. Thereafter, withdrawal of the request for arbitration shall be possible only with the express consent of the respon­dent, without prejudice to the provisions of articles 57(5) and 59(6).


3. The withdrawal shall be confirmed in writing to the par­ties by the Administrator and, after its appointment, by the arbi­tral tribunal through the intermediary of the Administra­tor.


Article 36 - Default


1. If the respondent, without showing good cause, fails to submit within the period of time set by the arbitral tribunal a statement of defence as referred to in article 24, the arbitral tribunal may render an award forth­with.


2. This award shall be rendered in favour of the claimant unless the arbitral tribunal considers the claim to be unlaw­ful or unfounded. Before rendering the award, the arbitral tribunal may require the claimant to produce evidence in support of one or more of his contentions.

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