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  A copy of every communication or written submis­sion shall be sent simultaneously to the Administrator. The same applies to communications from the arbitral tribu­nal to the parties.


Article 21 - Representation of and Assistance for Parties


1. The parties may appear before the arbitral tribunal in person, be represented by a practising lawyer or be represen­ted by any other person expressly authorised in writing for this purpose. The parties may be assi­sted in the arbitral proceedings by any persons they may choose.


2. If a party is to be represented at a hearing by a practi­sing lawyer or by an authorised representative, he shall so notify in writing the arbitral tribunal and the other party as soon as possible after the date of the hearing is determined.  If the request for arbitration referred to in article 6, or the short answer referred to in article 7, was filed by a practising lawyer or by an authorised respresentative, said notification shall be deemed to have taken place.

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