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2. Until such time as the arbitral tribunal has determined the language or languages as referred to in paragraph (1), the Administrator may, at the request of the other party or on his own motion, require a party to provide translations of his submissions and documents in a language which the other party understands and in such form and within such period of time as the Administrator shall determine. 


3. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2), if any notice, submission or document is written in a language which the Administrator or the arbitral tribunal does not understand, the Adminstrator and, after its appointment, the arbitral tribunal may require the party from whom such notice, submission or document emanates to provide a transla­tion in such language, in such form and within such period of time as the Administrator or the arbitral tribunal, as the case may be, shall determine. 


4. At the request of the arbitral tribunal, the Administra­tor shall arrange for the presence of an interpreter at the hea­ring.

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