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www.110.com 2010-07-21 16:36

42m - Relationship with the Case on the Merits


The provisional decision shall in no way prejudice the final decision of the arbitral tribunal that decides on the merits of the case.


42n - Administration Costs and Deposit for Costs


1. The provisions of Section Six apply to summary arbi­tral pro­ceedings, on the condition that the admini­strative costs and the deposit for costs must be paid or deposited, respecti­vely, prior to the hea­ring referred to in article 42g(1) and if a counter­claim is submitted at the hearing, immediately after the hearing.


2. The arbitral tribunal shall be authorised to suspend the procedure or to withhold its decision if one of the parties has not complied with the finan­cial obligations arising from this article. If one party after a reminder in writing by the Administra­tor has not complied with its financial obligations arising from this article, it shall be considered that the party has withdrawn its claim or counter­claim.

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